/*--------------------------------------------------------*/ /* TABLE OF CONTENTS: */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ /* 01 - VARIABLES变量 */ /* 02 - page calculations页面计算 */ /* 03 - function on document ready */ /* 04 - function on page load 页面加载 */ /* 05 - function on page resize */ /* 06 - function on page scroll */ /* 07 - swiper sliders */ /* 08 - buttons, clicks, hovers */ var _functions = {}; $(function() { "use strict";/* "严格模式"是一种在JavaScript代码运行时自动实行更严格解析和错误处理的方法。这种模式使得Javascript在更严格的条件下运行。*/ /*================*/ /* 01 - VARIABLES */ /*================*/ var swipers = [], winW, winH, headerH, winScr, footerTop, _isresponsive, _ismobile = navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/webOS/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i); /*========================*/ /* 02 - page calculations */ /*========================*/ _functions.pageCalculations = function(){ winW = $(window).width(); winH = $(window).height(); }; /*=================================*/ /* 03 - function on document ready */ /*=================================*/ if(_ismobile) $('body').addClass('mobile'); _functions.pageCalculations(); /*============================*/ /* 04 - function on page load */ /*============================*/ $(window).load(function(){ _functions.initSwiper(); $('body').addClass('loaded'); $('#loader-wrapper').fadeOut(); }); /*==============================*/ /* 05 - function on page resize */ /*==============================*/ /*orientationchange 事件是在用户水平或者垂直翻转设备(即方向发生变化)时触发的事件。*/ _functions.resizeCall = function(){ _functions.pageCalculations(); }; if(!_ismobile){ $(window).resize(function(){ _functions.resizeCall(); }); } else{ window.addEventListener("orientationchange", function() { _functions.resizeCall(); }, false); } /*==============================*/ /* 06 - function on page scroll */ /*==============================*/ $(window).scroll(function(){ _functions.scrollCall(); }); _functions.scrollCall = function(){ winScr = $(window).scrollTop(); if (winScr > 130){ $(".tt-header").addClass("stick fadeInDown animated"); } else { $(".tt-header").removeClass("stick fadeInDown animated"); } }; /*=====================*/ /* 07 - swiper sliders */ /*=====================*/ var initIterator = 0; _functions.initSwiper = function(){ $('.swiper-container').not('.initialized').each(function(){ var $t = $(this); var index = 'swiper-unique-id-'+initIterator; $t.addClass('swiper-'+index+' initialized').attr('id', index); $t.find('.swiper-pagination').addClass('swiper-pagination-'+index); $t.find('.swiper-button-prev').addClass('swiper-button-prev-'+index); $t.find('.swiper-button-next').addClass('swiper-button-next-'+index); var slidesPerViewVar = ($t.data('slides-per-view'))?$t.data('slides-per-view'):1; if(slidesPerViewVar!='auto') slidesPerViewVar = parseInt(slidesPerViewVar, 10); swipers['swiper-'+index] = new Swiper('.swiper-'+index,{ pagination: '.swiper-pagination-'+index, paginationClickable: true, nextButton: '.swiper-button-next-'+index, prevButton: '.swiper-button-prev-'+index, slidesPerView: slidesPerViewVar, autoHeight:($t.is('[data-auto-height]'))?parseInt($t.data('auto-height'), 10):0, loop: ($t.is('[data-loop]'))?parseInt($t.data('loop'), 10):0, autoplay: ($t.is('[data-autoplay]'))?parseInt($t.data('autoplay'), 10):5000, breakpoints: ($t.is('[data-breakpoints]'))? { 767: { slidesPerView: parseInt($t.attr('data-xs-slides'), 10) }, 991: { slidesPerView: parseInt($t.attr('data-sm-slides'), 10) }, 1199: { slidesPerView: parseInt($t.attr('data-md-slides'), 10) } } : {}, initialSlide: ($t.is('[data-ini]'))?parseInt($t.data('ini'), 10):0, speed: ($t.is('[data-speed]'))?parseInt($t.data('speed'), 10):1500, keyboardControl: true, mousewheelControl: ($t.is('[data-mousewheel]'))?parseInt($t.data('mousewheel'), 10):0, mousewheelReleaseOnEdges: true, spaceBetween: ($t.is('[data-space-between]'))?parseInt($t.data('space-between'), 10):0, direction: ($t.is('[data-direction]'))?$t.data('direction'):'horizontal', onSlideChangeEnd: function(swiper){ var animationBlocks = $t.find('.swiper-slide-active .text-animation'); for (var i = 0; i < animationBlocks.length; ++i ){ $(animationBlocks[i]).addClass('animated ' + $(animationBlocks[i]).attr("data-animation")); } }, onSlideChangeStart: function(swiper){ var animationBlocks = $t.find('.swiper-slide-active .text-animation'); for (var i = 0; i < animationBlocks.length; ++i ){ $(animationBlocks[i]).removeClass('animated ' + $(animationBlocks[i]).attr("data-animation")); } }, }); swipers['swiper-'+index].update(); initIterator++; }); $('.swiper-container.swiper-control-top').each(function(){ swipers['swiper-'+$(this).attr('id')].params.control = swipers['swiper-'+$(this).parent().find('.swiper-control-bottom').attr('id')]; }); $('.swiper-container.swiper-control-bottom').each(function(){ swipers['swiper-'+$(this).attr('id')].params.control = swipers['swiper-'+$(this).parent().find('.swiper-control-top').attr('id')]; }); }; /*==============================*/ /* 08 - buttons, clicks, hovers */ /*==============================*/ //menu $('.cmn-toggle-switch').on('click', function(e){ $(this).toggleClass('active'); $(this).parents('header').find('.toggle-block').slideToggle(); e.preventDefault(); }); $('.main-nav .menu-toggle').on('click', function(e){ $(this).closest('li').toggleClass('select').siblings('.select').removeClass('select'); $(this).closest('li').siblings('.parent').find('ul').slideUp(); $(this).closest('a').siblings('ul').slideToggle(); e.preventDefault(); }); /*tt-load-more*/ $('.tt-load-more').on('click', function(e){ var $cloneHtml = $(this).closest('.tt-block').find('.row:first-child').clone(); $(this).parent().prev().prev().append($cloneHtml) e.preventDefault(); }); //Tabs var tabFinish = 0; $('.tt-nav-tab-item').on('click', function(e){ var $t = $(this); if(tabFinish || $t.hasClass('active')) e.preventDefault(); tabFinish = 1; $t.closest('.tt-nav-tab').find('.tt-nav-tab-item').removeClass('active'); $t.addClass('active'); var index = $t.parent().parent().find('.tt-nav-tab-item').index(this); $t.parents('.tt-tab-wrapper').find('.tt-tab-select select option:eq('+index+')').prop('selected', true); $t.closest('.tt-tab-wrapper').find('.tt-tab-info:visible').fadeOut(500, function(){ var $tabActive = $t.closest('.tt-tab-wrapper').find('.tt-tab-info').eq(index); $tabActive.css('display','block').css('opacity','0'); $tabActive.animate({opacity:1}); tabFinish = 0; }); }); $('.tt-tab-select select').on('change', function(e){ var $t = $(this); if(tabFinish) e.preventDefault(); tabFinish = 1; var index = $t.find('option').index($(this).find('option:selected')); $t.closest('.tt-tab-wrapper').find('.tt-nav-tab-item').removeClass('active'); $t.closest('.tt-tab-wrapper').find('.tt-nav-tab-item:eq('+index+')').addClass('active'); $t.closest('.tt-tab-wrapper').find('.tt-tab-info:visible').fadeOut(500, function(){ var $tabActive = $t.closest('.tt-tab-wrapper').find('.tt-tab-info').eq(index); $tabActive.css('display','block').css('opacity','0'); $tabActive.animate({opacity:1}); tabFinish = 0; }); }); /*tabs from hash*/ var hash = location.hash.replace('#', ''); if(hash){ hashTab(); } function hashTab(){ var $tabSel = $('.tt-nav-tab-item[data-tab="' +hash+ '"]').addClass('active'); $tabSel.closest('.tt-nav-tab').find('.tt-nav-tab-item').removeClass('active'); $tabSel.addClass('active'); var index = $tabSel.parent().parent().find('.tt-nav-tab-item').index($tabSel); $tabSel.parents('.tt-tab-wrapper').find('.tt-tab-select select option:eq('+index+')').prop('selected', true); $tabSel.closest('.tt-tab-wrapper').find('.tt-tab-info:visible').fadeOut(500, function(){ var $tabActive = $tabSel.closest('.tt-tab-wrapper').find('.tt-tab-info').eq(index); $tabActive.css('display','block').css('opacity','0'); $tabActive.animate({opacity:1}); }); } $(window).on("hashchange", function() { if(window.location.hash) { hash = location.hash.replace('#', ''); hashTab(); } }); /* accordeon */ $('.tt-accordeon-title').on('click', function(){ $(this).closest('.tt-accordeon').find('.tt-accordeon-title').not(this).removeClass('active').next().slideUp(); $(this).toggleClass('active').next().slideToggle(); }); /*=====================*/ /* 12 - LIGHT-BOX */ /*=====================*/ /*activity indicator functions*/ var activityIndicatorOn = function(){ $('
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